
SyMO-Chem also offers High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a photo-diode array detection and electrospray ionization detection (Thermo LCQ ion trap, double detection). HPLC can be used to analyse various organic compounds or mixtures (polar compounds or compounds with polar groups are easy to measure), peptides, polymers or proteins. The main requirements is that the sample of interest needs to be (de)protonated. Electrospray ionization is a mild ionization technique where fragmentation does not occur. The compounds can be detected via MS or with a PDA detector as a UV spectrum is connected. The molecular weight (m) that can be analysed depends on ratio m/z, where z id the charge of the molecule, and can range from 1 (the most common) up to 3000.

With this technique it is also possible, by fragmentation, to analyze a molecular ion (MS-MS). MS-MS is not a standard analysis.